Experience sound healing to remember the wholeness that runs throughout your physical and energetic bodies


There is wisdom in the sound energy that the body remembers. Unlike meditative practices that engage with the mind and its activities, surrendering to the sound of gongs, crystal bowls or other sound instruments soothes the body on a cellular level in a very intelligent and effective way.

Sound is not only heard through our ears but through every cell in our body. When we tune into different sounds, it can be incredibly effective in rebalancing the body, which can help to reduce the risk of illness and help us feel more grounded.

 What is a Sound Bath?

The Horizontal Concert - It is part meditation, part listening session. Typically in sound baths participants lay down on the mat with blankets and pillows as the facilitator creates a soundscape by playing various kinds of instruments. That often means (but is not limited to) Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, and even human voices.

Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for connection, communication, and even healing. Whether through the use of mantras, the medicine melodies of various indigenous peoples around the world, or Pythagoras’ use of interval and frequency, these techniques all have the same intention: to harmonize and rebalance.

Our Sound Healing Offerings

  • Singing bowls (also known as ‘Himalayan bowls’ or suzu gongs in Japan) are a kind of bells, specifically classified as standing bells that sit with the bottom surface resting. The sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce a sound which can be used for spiritual traditions, meditation, relaxation, religious practice, and personal well being.

  • A sound healing session is for all people who want to meditate, relax, heal and align their energy centers or chakras.

  • The sound vibrations emitted by gongs send signals that are interpreted at the biological, energetic and emotional levels, directing the cells to develop in a homeostatic rather than unbalanced manner.

  • We journey together to beautiful realms of inspiration and transformation, with the angels and the masters of light, and we are guided to let go of and to release our deeply disempowering patterns and unresolved akashic records that block and hold us without true peace and plenty and power.

  • We offer multiple signature private sound healing sessions. READ MORE

What to expect from a sound healing session

A sound healing session can be compared to the deepest savasana you've ever experienced, in the way that you have the opportunity to find a sense of release while feeling entirely supported by the vibrations around you. The experience can give you a taste of what deep, steady meditation can be like, help clear out blocks in the body, and leave you in a fully relaxed state.

What are the benefits of sound healing?

The experience will harmonize and align the body leaving you with immediate distress and a sense of rejuvenation. The distracting thoughts are calmed down shortly after the session begins allowing for a gentle journey beyond the mind. Using sound as therapy can provide results for a variety of issues including:

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress management

  • PTSD

  • Depression

  • Pain Management

“It takes so much courage just to start.“

- Michael Roach