Holistic Coaching

Coaching for a better life is based on the connection between humans and nature. An eye-opening session that will help to realize and recognize our preventive blockages. When we notice what we are thinking and feeling at the moment, we can grow our capacity to respond to life more appropriately and skillfully.

Mindful awareness – or mindfulness – spontaneously arises out of this BEING mode. It’s when we learn to purposefully pay attention to the present moment, without judgment, to things as they actually are. Mindfulness helps in creating space and awareness to choose how to respond to any given moment, experience, person, and situation.

Let's try to ignite a movement and create our own relatively healthy and happy journey. The sessions will be live on Zoom.


Nir Levi is an Instructor and therapist of Anma Ampuku and Body reading. Specialized in emotional work through corporal body work, and Chinese physical therapy body work with over 30 years experience of therapy, and 20 years experience of teaching.

Student of the Japanese grand master Dr. Doann Tesunu Kaneko. Co-owner of “Anma – Ampuku school of healing arts ”, in Madrid. Formed hundreds of students in the USA, Turkey and Spain.

Sessions are available Online

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44 Grandmothers’ Reading


Astrology Reading