Family Constellation

The “Family Constellation” process is a trans-generational, phenomenological, therapeutic intervention with roots in family systems therapy, existential phenomenology, and the ancestor reverence of the South African Zulus — Bert Hellinger

The word “constellations” is there to remind us that the stars in the universe are positioned in a certain way, they have their own place, their own motion, and that they are connected.

This is true for every one of us. In our family, we have our unique place, we are interconnected and whatever happens to a family member has an impact on all the other family members.

The family is a very well-structured system, in which everyone has their own special and unique place. The family system, like any other system, has its own rules and a self-regulating tendency and does this in a natural, normal, deep, and unconscious way, so that the energies regain their balance, thus allowing Love and Life to flow freely towards the future generations.

So, whatever happened to our ancestors is there in our DNA.

The idea that previous generations may influence us from a psychological standpoint is found in old cultures in which the “healer” knew that the genealogic law and the manner of relating to the ancestors determine, to a great extent, the bonds, rights, duties, and identities that structure a human being.

We know nowadays that there is a field that has consciousness, is intelligent and always present, a field that links us to all that surrounds us - this field is called the quantum field by quantum physics, the morphic or morphogenetic field by the famous biologist Rupert Sheldrake; it’s Jung’s “collective unconscious”; in the family constellations, this field is called the knowing field. Through this field, we are at all times connected to everyone and everything, regardless of whether or not we are aware of it, more than that, we are interdependent and everything is transmitted through resonance.

We may start noticing in our life certain patterns, or recurrent financial difficulties that tend to be repeated by generation after generation, situations that entrap us like a vicious circle, recurrent failures, dysfunctional relationships with people around us, maybe overweight issues, physical and/or psychic diseases, the (apparent) impossibility to conceive a child, sexual dysfunctions, addictions, accidents, suicidal acts, etc.

These kinds of problems may appear in the life of one person (or more) in a family and we can address them through systemic work.

Of course, there can be happy aspects that may be transmitted, such as talents, gifts, beneficial situations, the ease to live and make things happen and we are not aware of and we can find about them when we re-connect ourselves with our ancestors.

Systemic constellations give us the opportunity to free our unconscious mind from these programs, patterns, faith systems, and the inheritance that we take over from our ancestors, and also to understand them at a deep level and find a way out, a solution that can bring peace to us and to our families and more than this to free the future generations.

How exactly Family Constellation works?

Family constellations cannot be described, they can only be lived.

And all those who have truly allowed themselves to experience this therapy, are excited about and amazed at each new experience lived while working with systemic constellations.

What’s our true purpose on this earth, if not that of getting to know ourselves, getting to the essence of us, and allowing ourselves to enjoy this grand journey that is our life.
Family constellations cannot be described, they can only be lived. And all those who have truly allowed themselves to experience these constellations, are excited about and amazed at each new experience lived while working with constellations. The sessions will be live on Zoom.

How to get most of this experience?



Your answer just might not boil down to something as straightforward as “choose that or yes/No.” So it’s better to ask open-ended questions like why, what, and how.


Be the Change

Do not feel crippled with fear if your reading didn’t contain good news. The reading is a timestamp of what’s going on energetically around you only but you have the ability to change how things are going to happen.”


Be Open

Maybe you think you need to be secretive so your reader can “prove themselves.” (Don’t be that person.) Just know that the more you share with your reader, the more your reader will share with you.


Be Prepared

Its helpful when you know what you are going to ask the cards in a clear mind. Meditating before the session or perhaps a warm tea can help to get better results.


Laura Ghita / MD Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Facilitator Systemic Family and Organizational Constellations, NLP Coach, Art Therapy, Time Line Healing


Laura is an experienced psychotherapist, empowering individuals, families, and groups through their growth journey while using the most appropriate methods and tools for every particular case.
As a Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator Laura assists individuals in a very effective and profound way to find solutions to specific challenges in all areas of life – personal, relationships, health, profession, etc.

Sessions are available Online



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