Tarot Card Reading

Carl Jung once said: “We can predict the future when we know how the present moment evolved from the past”, and from another angle, positioning yourself for the future is easier than predicting it. What keeps you stuck in the status quo? Are you holding on to old ways of thinking? Are you stuck in the same narrative? It’s time to start questioning them. Act on the spontaneous ideas for you are a creative phoenix, you are the creator of fire.

Tarot Card Reading is an ancient tool to demystify what is unknown to you through symbolism. Over the course of life, you will find yourself on many paths and utilizing many different tools. Tarot Cards act just as a tool, it is a dance between you, the deck, and the reader, with intention of seeking clarity and signs.

In our tarot card reading experience, you choose a topic to look into or a general reading of the constellation between your mind, body, and soul. The reader will interpret the meanings of the cards with an open-ended conversation to bring the best out of the session.

How exactly Tarot works?

Many people think that the Tarot will tell you the future, but making predictions is not really what Tarot cards are about. When it comes to Tarot, fortune-telling is out, and intuition is in, especially if you want to create your ideal future and manifest your goals. Tarot reading mirrors your energy, thoughts, and emotions and since everything is a vibration “is an energy”, by thinking, imagining, and asking the right questions the answers will come in.

The reader can access his intuition and his inner wisdom while reading the cards and based on the cards the reader can suggest ways to make positive changes now so you can manifest your goals and your dreams in the future. If you don’t like what cards reveal about your future, simply change it! The future is a very changeable thing. Some small actions or attitude adjustments can impact your future in a big way! Remember that we are divine human beings, and we have something precious called “Free Will”!

What is Tarot?

The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism, and story. The 22 Major Arcana cards represent life's karmic and spiritual lessons, and the 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience daily. Unlike many, some believe that the tarot is not originated in Italy in the 1430s but was carried from Ancient Egypt to Europe during the medieval era.

Benefits of Tarot Card Reading:

  • Get a Clear Perspective– A tarot reading helps you to identify your purpose in life and gain a new perspective.

  • Helps you work on the Areas that Require Improvement – Tarot reading is a great way of identifying the areas in your life that require changes.

  • Offers the Peace You Deserve – It helps you get rid of the clouded thoughts and gives you the mental clarity that you need.

  • Helps You Make Better Decisions –Tarot card reading is used best to inspire you on making more informed decisions and understand what’s best for you.

  • Nurture Relationships – A tarot reading helps eliminate negative energy and identifies the areas in your relationship that require improvement.

How to get most of the tarot card reading experience?


Use Tarot for Guidance

Tarot is so detailed and the deck has all facets of life within it, you can really ask any question. Your answer just might not boil down to something as straightforward as “choose that or yes/No.” So it’s better to ask open-ended questions like why, what, and how.


Be the Change

Do not feel crippled with fear if your reading didn’t contain good news. “Tarot doesn’t have any power over you.” The reading is a timestamp of what’s going on energetically around you only but you have the ability to change how things are going to happen.”


Be Open

Maybe you think you need to be secretive so your reader can “prove themselves.” (Don’t be that person.) Just know that the more you share with your reader, the more your reader will share with you.


Be Prepared

Its helpful when you know what you are going to ask the cards in a clear mind. Meditating before the session or perhaps a warm tea can help to get better results.

About JAKE

Jake is a Pranic Healer, Arhatic Yogi, Sound healer, Hand-Pan Drum composer, Tarot cards reader, biochemist, educator, SDG promoter, and most importantly a humble soul who loves helping others through their spiritual journeys and experiences.

Jake's spiritual journey started in 2009 with Pranic energy healing in Syria. After learning about chakras, and energy principles, he started healing people who need physically, emotionally, and psychologically healing up to date.

He learned Arhatic Yoga “The Yoga of Synthesis” in 2010 which involves inner purifications, asanas, meditation, breathing techniques, and spiritual practices that have been blended into a single system. After his beautiful spiritual experience and awakening, he decided to be a meditation instructor & an energy healer along his career as a science educator to spread well-being and self-realization in his community. Since then, Jake has been conducting many gatherings, events, ceremonies, and festival appearances to provide a unique experience to the spirituality seekers.

Jake`s passion is discovering and mastering new skills which involve talents and intuitions. He's been doing insightful Tarot card readings, sound healing, and composing deep healing melodies on his Rav-Drum since 2019.

After his 10 years of career in schools as a science HOD and a science teacher, now he is dedicated to educating children across the UAE schools about UN-SDG through Arabic literature and story writing.

Jake`s spiritual animal is “Husky” as it symbolizes beauty, communication, leadership, and healing. His spiritual name is “Deeksha” which in Sanskrit means “Initiation” as that’s his life purpose for this incarnation “to evolve and become a better version of himself”. Jake`s motto is “Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud

Sessions are available in person at SEVA Experience or Online

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