New Moon Solar Eclipse Voice Activation Ceremony

Expand the Hearts and FREE YOUR VOICE with special ceremonial tea in our cups this New Moon Solar Eclipse Ceremony. This is for everyone who is ready to explore and experience the power of their own VOICE through first clearing the channels in the heart-mind-body system that keep us from fully sharing our heart’s song and expression.

A Portal of New Beginning - A combination of New Moon and Solar eclipse. And in the sign of Scorpio, we are being invited to walk through this portal and connect to a deeper understanding of the self, perhaps a giant leap, a jump to a new octave of showing up for ourselves and others…of expressing our selves, our hearts, our truth,..our Voice!

Venus Power- this planet of love, beauty, and heart expansion is super active under this New Moon Solar Eclipse and we are going to harness this sweet support to access the key to our voice and codes activations - the heart portal!!! Be ready and open to have some heart scrubbing action in a safe space. We will be in IT together!

Ceremonial Tea-  Not only our bodies and throat will love the magic of the special tea blend that Flordeliza will prepare, it also supports the opening of the heart and the liberation of creative energy! 

Voice Alchemy Activation - Be open to access different parts of your being and voice, the different channels and frequencies that you can tap into and enjoy experiencing yourself through the primal sounds, light language, mantras, heart songs, shamanic channeling, improvisation while being held in love and prayers.

Connecting to your voice is connecting to your soul truth, authentic existence, creative expression and remembrance. For some this might be a space of initiation, recalibration or upgrade in their voice alchemy/healer/facilitator path and for some, this might be a space to heal in many aspects of the self and a space to see what needs to be expressed as we connect to the deeper aspect of the voice which is your ‘truth’. 

If you feel a YES to these, COME and bring your open heart..then magic will follow!

About Flordeliza

New Moon Solar Eclipse

Flordeliza Amore is a Soul Weaver, Creative Alchemist, Multi-disciplinary Artist, and Way Shower assisting others into raw self-expression, authentic truthful living, self-mastery, and ascension. She integrates the power of Light code/Sound Alchemy transmissions, Art activations, Voice as medicine, Embodied Movements, Earth wisdom, Elemental activations, Womb wisdom, Ceremonies, Intuitive guidance, Deep soul works, and Self-awakening Inner Dance process in her offerings. Whether traveling or in her off-grid jungle home planting, she creates light-encoded Medicine Soul Paintings, dances, sings, and performs. She holds transformative, ceremonial, and creative sacred spaces, immersions, and facilitator training in service of the collective consciousness.



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