The Astrology of Love & Relationships: With Who, Why, and When?

Looking for love? In love? Want it to grow deeper? Or are you challenged? Changing and needing something different?

Let’s face it, as we grow and evolve, our relationships need to change. Either our relationships grow and evolve with us, or we need to change connections. Whether you are currently in a relationship or want to see what qualities to look for in a partner, astrology can help you better understand yourself and your relationship needs.

Your birth chart reveals your unconscious soul needs and how and when these needs will grow, change, and expand. Astrology also sheds light on your unconscious shadow that is projected onto others, particularly your most intimate partners. In this weekend's astrological event, we’ll look into the core of your being, what nourishes your soul, what your unconscious relationship intentions are, and what might need healing for them to be realized. Venus, at the moment of your birth, reflects your inner feminine, receptive self, deepest values, attractions, love, nature, and unique qualities. Mars reflects your masculine warrior self, personal desires, aims, goals in life, and how you go about getting them. In addition to describing your soul nature, your horoscope goes on to show you the path forward.

How exactly this works?

The Astrology of Love & Relationships

In this workshop, Kaypacha will use astrology, yoga, and breathwork to create a powerful container for personal, alchemical transformation to occur. We will then explore the 12 zodiacal mystery schools and the house, sign, and aspects of your Venus (goddess) and Mars (god). These will highlight the great gifts you have to offer relationships and the challenges you face in creating them.

Kaypacha/New Paradigm Astrology sees relationships as mirrors of our unconscious needs. In this workshop, you will see firsthand that what you don’t own or see within yourself gets projected negatively into your partnerships. Knowing your birth chart, which is a virtual blueprint of your unconscious, will help you integrate your masculine and feminine energies and cease those projections. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and what kind of partner will best help you on your journey toward self-realization.

We encourage early enrollment in this course for two reasons. The first is that there is limited space, limiting the number of participants. 

The second is that astrology is a vast body of knowledge. Therefore, along with your enrollment, you will receive Kaypacha’s “Astrology 101,” a sixteen-hour video package explaining the basic building blocks of astrology (the signs, planets, and houses of the horoscope). We know you are busy but taking the time to listen to the entire series is almost required to get all that is possible out of this event.

Day 1 – January 27th Friday

What the #$%& is Goin’ On? An Astrological Overview of What’s Happening - Opening Talk

Click HERE to read more on this

Day 2 – January 28th Saturday


10 am - 1 pm: After an opening circle and introductions, Kaypacha will review the 12 signs of the zodiac using description, mythology, movement, and music. A basic understanding of astrology is required for this course.

Note: If you are just beginning your astrology studies, you must listen to the 16-hour “Astrology 101” webinar series that comes with your registration before the event.

1 pm -2 pm: Lunch

2-6 pm: After lunch, Kaypacha will review the meanings of the planets and houses and proceed to give you an understanding of your natal birth chart. He will discuss the interpretation of Mars and Venus in each of the twelve signs and houses. This will help you understand the beauty and unique nature of your masculine and feminine energy and illuminate how your soul seeks to evolve (and who can best support) these in this lifetime.

Day 3: January 29th Sunday


10 am - 6 pm: (with an hour break for lunch)

We will spend the day looking into the planetary aspects of Venus and Mars. What does it mean when Saturn is aspecting Venus or Neptune is aspecting Mars? These aspects give us more information regarding your relationship dynamics and the type of partnership that will best meet your soul’s desire.

Lastly, Kaypacha will share the interpretation of the 7th house of partnership and the 8th house of sex, intimacy, and alchemical transformation. Time permitting, we will also look to see when the transits of the outer planets are activating these houses and whether you are approaching, in, or ending, a particular relationship cycle.

The day will end with a closing sharing circle.

Throughout the day, we will share yoga, breathwork, and meditations designed to heighten our awareness and build our magnetic fields.

About Kaypacha

Love & Relationships: With Who, Why, and When?

Kaypacha first began the study of astrology over forty years ago. Since then, he has explored the synchronistic relationship between the cosmos and earthly phenomena and our internal human experience of Self/Soul, offering astrology and yoga workshops to thousands on every continent in the world. 

His diverse background includes knowledge of evolutionary, shamanic, and Uranian astrology, cosmobiology, and esoteric studies. He has been practicing and teaching kundalini yoga for more than ten years and has combined his knowledge of the Sabian symbols, tarot, meditation, breathwork, and yoga to create his own unique, heart-centered astrological methods for healing and growth. 

The founder of the New Paradigm School of Astrology, with over 500 students worldwide, also does online seminars, guest appearances, interviews, teaches classes, and writes articles regularly.

Sessions are available in person at SEVA Experience



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